Collection: Mobile Patterns

With this interactive mobile, students can change the display whenever they'd like!
- Westcott 5” Kids scissors
- 8 circle cutouts
- 8 paper clips
- tagboard strip
- yarn
- crayons
Hint: To practice patterning, have each student make two sets of circles that are the same. Then combine different students’ circles to create bigger patterns.
Brought to you by Westcott – The World’s Favorite Scissors

Step 1
Draw a pattern on one side of each circle. Leave the other side a solid color.

Step 2
Mark the middle of a circle. Then make a cut from one side of the circle to the middle. Do this for each one. Fit pairs of circles together by connecting them at the slits.

Step 3
Cut four pieces of yarn, each a different length. Tie a paper clip to the end of each one. Then attach the paper clips to the tagboard strip.

Step 4
Tie a paper clip to the other end of each piece of yarn. Attach the paper clips to the circles.
Adult supervision is recommended when children use scissors.
Acme United Corporation. Text and design by The Education Center, Inc.®