Summary: Looking for a new way to decorate your home? Try upcycling with Westcott's new Hot Glue Gun! Repurpose an old glass container into a fabulous decorated vase!
Brought to you by Westcott – The World’s Favorite Scissors
Step 1
Plug in your Glue Gun and wait for it to heat up. It turns red when heated so that will tell you.
Step 2
Using your hot Glue Gun, draw on your preferred design. You can draw anything from designs to names, really just have fun with this. Wait for the glue to dry and get rid of the tiny strings of the hot glue.
Step 3
Spray paint your vase in your preferred color and your design will literally pop! Wait for the paint to dry and your containers are good for use!
Adult supervision is recommended when children use scissors.
© 2017 Acme United Corporation. Text and design by Marisa Pawelko