Collection: Good Reader

With a bookmark like this, every child will be eager to read even more!
- Westcott Kids 5" Ergo Jr. Scissors
- Westcott glue gun
- brown or white paper scraps
- jumbo craft stick
- small black pom-pom
- black marker
Brought to you by Westcott – The World’s Favorite Scissors

Step 1
Cut one large circle (head) and two small circles (ears) from the paper scraps.

Step 2
Glue the ears and the pom-pom (nose) to the head. Add marker eyes and other details.

Step 3
Write your name on one end of the craft stick. Glue the bear head to the other end.
Adult supervision is recommended when children use scissors.
Acme United Corporation. Text and design by The Education Center, Inc.®